6 Ways to Train Your Joy Muscles
Joy is available everywhere! (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
Let’s return balance to our lives!
Today’s times are challenging. Wherever I look, I am confronted with sadness and pain. It hurts me to witness the world’s suffering, especially when children are involved.
I’ve been grieving.
Are you feeling the same?
Every emotion plays an important role in our lives. Grief is part of the deal. My healing work has taught me to face those inner pains. I know not to run from my grief but to walk towards it with courage. I also know there will always be more to heal. After all, this planet and humanity need repairing.
However, I also feel my scales have been tipped out of balance. The full spectrum of emotions is much broader. There is joy, happiness, excitement, and awe! To be honest, these have been lacking in my life.
What about you?
I have forgotten what inner joy feels like. I cannot remember what it means to connect with my innate sparkle. I find it difficult to do something just because of sheer delightfulness. It’s been a while since I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.
Does this resonate?
I know very well how to walk through pain. But it’s become a habit! I forgot to also train my joy muscles!
It’s time to tip the scales back into balance. The great news is: joy hasn’t simply disappeared! It’s still there, hidden within. It will take a little bit of effort to strengthen those inner joy muscles. In the beginning, it may seem like nothing is changing because the progress is too subtle to notice, but isn’t this how everything begins? With mini steps?
I trust it will get easier. In the meantime, here are a few of my joy training exercises designed to tap into my inner joyous core – the one that is already there, patiently waiting for me to reconnect. Most of them work anywhere – anytime.
Are you ready to give it a try?
Morning Booster
After waking up, I turn my attention inwards before doing anything else. I take the pulse on my body, my emotions, and my energy; followed by an intention for the day. Here are some ideas:
I am fully centered, balanced, and aligned.
I am energized and healthy.
I am filled with purpose.
I know my next steps and surrender into divine guidance.
I give myself permission to receive.
I am a miracle!
Conscious Breathing
A deep conscious breath can shift much! And the best is: it’s always available!
I love breathing while walking as it helps me to easily settle into an even rhythm. When I combine conscious breathing with sacred stillness, I can tap into my inner magic. I love to play with breathing in colorful light or feeling the breath move all the way through my body.
Sacred Stillness
I create moments of sacred stillness throughout my day. These don’t need to be long; five minutes is enough. However, I make sure to gift myself this time, which means: no phone, no distractions. Just me.
Works best with a delicious piece of dark chocolate or while enjoying my morning coffee.
Slowing Down
Especially effective when I’m caught in a thought spiral. Overwhelm and hectic are indicators I’ve lost touch with my inner self and joy. Time to take a step back and slow down. Works great when coupled with conscious breathing.
Observing Thoughts
Whenever I catch myself in a thought loop, I break the cycle through breathing or movement. Of course, I don’t yet catch myself all the time! But hey, there always needs to be room for improvement!
Help and Hope
I ask for help and guidance all the time using my dedicated voice line to the universe and my higher guides; available 24/7. Just knowing it’s there fills me with hope. In case you didn’t know; you’ve got one, too.
Let’s do this together, shall we?