Ahhhh, awakening and soul-searching - there is so much to learn and experience.
I share about my journey.
Recognizing My Emptiness Helped Me Find My Life’s Purpose
Going through life with a lack of purpose feels like drifting aimlessly.
Purpose, on the other hand, feels entirely different.
I Had to Disappear to Become Present
I was always the one who volunteered, showed up, organized, and arranged... People counted on me.
Then, suddenly, I was putting my own needs first…
How Channeled Writing Connects Me to My Higher Guides
Many spiritual books suggest channeled writing or ’free-writing’ as a process for connecting with the Divine.
I was intrigued. Would this work for me?
How I was Guided to Spirituality
I read books about guidance and how the universe wants to show you the way. Not that I believed in any of this. I had been raised in a very rational, mind-centered way.
Until …