How Channeled Writing Connects Me to My Higher Guides
Connecting to the heart energy (Image courtesy of
This message is for you
Many spiritual books suggest channeled writing or ’free-writing’ as a process for connecting with the Divine.
For example, in “Super Attractor” (published by Hay House) Gabrielle Bernstein says:
“I have found it very powerful to connect to my guides through writing…Before I begin my meditation, I write my intention at the top of the page … when I notice a nudge from my guides …. I begin to free-write. In just a few moments, the most beautiful and insightful words come through.”
I was intrigued.
The process seemed simple enough: write down a question and let the answer flow through you, by noting down the words that appear from within, without judging what comes. I started journaling in that form in 2017. For practicality, I choose to type everything out as I am a fast typist.
How my Higher Self gives me messages
Three years later, this document, which I call ‘Dialogue with my Higher Self’, has grown to one hundred pages long and contains more than forty thousand words. I have been writing irregularly, whenever I felt inspired or, more often, when I am caught in a downward spiral. Sometimes guidance flows easily, other times it does not. However, I always feel more aligned afterwards. This process helps me release thoughts, opinions, or judgements. It helps me to structure and discern. Often, I can prioritize afterwards on what is my next most important step.
True gems can be found in this writing. In this blog, I would love to share a recently channeled message on “compassion” with you. Please take the beauty of this message into your own heart - as it is not only meant for me. This message equally applies to you. Take from it the parts that resonate and let them transform your heart:
The Universal Energy of Compassion (Beginning of the message)
“I feel so scattered. I have been praying and asking for help. Maybe I am not allowing myself to receive or be in joy. Maybe I am too scared because I feel I am too much. Can I get guidance please?
Take time for yourself and honor your feelings. It is important to honor everything that comes up. Now is the time to release for good. Set the intention and allow it. Let us guide you through this. Repeat after us:
I am willing to release.
I am willing to receive divine guidance.
I am willing to let go.
I am willing to be a vehicle for light and joy and the rest will flow from it.
Compassion is a wonderful gift and it is needed on this planet and in my field.
Connect to compassion every morning, call her in, and talk to her. Ask her to work through you and open up your heart again to compassion. You know how to do it, yet you have been keeping compassion out of your life.
You are afraid of the detrimental effects this used to have because you could not manage your energetic field and you were unclear about what was going on. Now, you are ready to embrace compassion again and to let her flow through you and your heart. This is your divine energy and your divine gift.
Transport compassion into everything you do. It will be marvelous and you will not get lost in the process because now you know how to handle any situation and you have your tools when situations arise. The integration of compassion back into your field is key. You can do it and we are all with you, holding you. We are all around you always, like a shield of light.
How do I do that? How do I allow compassion back into my life?
Invite her in. Ask her to reveal herself to you. She is a beautiful soft divine queen. Can you see her?
Yes, I can.
She is opening your heart space to clear it. She is releasing you from the grief and healing you from the past and frustration: all the grief you have been carrying on behalf of the world. The only power to transform this grief is compassion.
It starts with you.
Have compassion for yourself, for your surroundings, for everyone. Start with yourself. It is important you begin with yourself and that you embody this energy again.
Everything else will follow this flow and will come towards you. You will be in the right vibration. That does not mean you will never feel grief or frustration again. However, compassion can transmute these energies.
Compassion will give you the flow you desire. She will fill up your void. Allow her to come in. She is the divine feminine and the divine Goddess you have been looking for. She was never gone. She has always been there, around you and within you, connecting you to her and to everything there is. In fact, we are all one and you know that. You have learned this.
You are afraid to open up to the one-energy because you feel you might get lost in it or that your energies will be scattered again. But now is the time to trust and embrace the one-energy again, because otherwise you will remain scattered. You cannot hold the energies of your own field without connecting to the one-energy. Your time to leap is now.
We are holding you. We know you can do it because you have already done it. It has happened already. Everything has happened already and you can look back and just say, “Thank you for letting compassion flow through me and connecting me to the one-energy”. Thank yourself for being filled with faith and compassion.
She is holding your hand guiding you towards a temple where you can release your anger, grief and frustration in the holy waters of the spring of renewal. You can choose to let go. All the pains in your back and your chest have been there to remind you to step back into your heart energy to open up to love and compassion. Joy will come with it.
Compassion, however, is a different vibe and you need to understand your unique path which is to embody compassion. Joy will come from it, but there is also grief. This is what compassion is about. Compassion is very deep, and the joy of feeling deep and being compassionate is your unique expression of the divine vibration. Do not chase joy as you think it should be. This is not your path.
You need to find your fulfillment and your unique embodiment of the divine within you. You have already found it. You know this. Let it flow through you and welcome it and do not shame yourself or question yourself because it feels different than your mind makes you think it should be. In fact, there is one deep emotion that runs behind it all and that is love.
Love can be reached and gained through many ways and many forms, and compassion and grief are a path towards love. Love is always there and you will dive deep into the highest form of love when you let your heart chakra burst open and allow yourself to feel compassion.
When you are in a constant flow of compassion, the energies of grief will not stick to you. This is what you have been doing up to now, you have been holding onto the grief because you were afraid of the flow of compassion. But the energy of compassion has always been there and the moment you allow her to flow through you again, this is the moment you are in a true flow with the one-energy. Your body has been preparing for this and is almost ready to have open channels again.
You have done so well. You have done a marvelous job and we are so proud of you and we love and encourage you and we send you the deepest gratitude for taking on this task because we know that it has not been easy.
It is vital and paramount that you stay in your own field and that you forgive and let go of everything else that is coming towards you because that is not who you are. You will be challenged again but if you remember to come back to the flow of compassion your body and your field will be able to remain clean and you can act as a channel to let the energies flow through you and to have them transmuted.
Am I not taking on other people’s energies when I do this?
Only if you hold onto it. If you allow it to be greeted by compassion, then you can release it without causing toxicity in your body. This is about non-attachment which you have been practicing over the last years, but especially over the course of the last months.
Now is the time to practice what you’ve been learning. We are here, cheering you on. You have within you all that you need. We love you.”
End of the message
Thank you for reading and connecting with this message.
Maybe you feel called to start free-writing yourself. It can be a very rewarding process. Open yourself to the it and be patient – it might take time to fully connect with this form of guidance.