The Law of Attraction and Why We Aren’t All Driving Ferraris
My house, my yacht, my exquisite doll — can they fulfill my soul? (Image courtesy of
It’s about what you feel, not what you want
While working through the outer layers of my onion-shaped depression, a question hit me:
‘Do our thoughts dictate our well-being? How much influence do they hold?’
By this, I meant our daily thoughts, including the subconscious ones; basically everything that runs through our minds. I’d read about the power of thoughts and how they are the first step towards manifesting, or creating, our lives.
I started to panic.
What if everything I ever thought came true? What if I was constantly creating my life from this basis?
I found this concept dangerous and frightening.
I did not feel in control of my thoughts. They seemed random, most of the time filled with worry, stress, and a feeling of lack, going over old conversations, fretting over ‘what ifs’, or constructing unpleasant future moments that did not even exist. Most of the time, they were everything but enjoyable.
Were they really the basis for my misery? Was this all home-made?
I dove into the topic and came across the Law of Attraction which simply says:
‘You get what you put out there’.
Instantly, a long-lost childhood memory surfaced. I must have been about six years old. Somehow, back then, I knew that if you ask, it is given. Figuring this was the truth, I spent about an hour chanting, asking for a particular doll to be placed on my bed. The excitement was rising as I was singing my little heart out. After what seemed like an eternity, I returned to my bedroom, my heart thumping in my chest. I entered shaking with anticipation.
Well, guess what?
There was no doll.
Nothing at all.
I stared. I couldn’t believe it. I tried once more, chanting even harder, but again it didn’t work out.
Somehow, back then, I must have been aware of the Universal Laws
But somewhere, on the road of living this human life, I must have lost touch with them. For example, the unsuccessful chanting incident left me feeling confused and abandoned. Maybe this was the moment I decided magic had no righteous place in my life? Maybe this was the moment I stopped believing in anything divine?
Re-enter the Universal Law of Attraction many years later. People were raving about it, stating it was the best way to create a life filled with joy and bliss.
This did not feel right to me. Something was missing from the equation. Maybe my gut-sense was influenced by my doll-chanting disappointment?
If it were so easy, why was there still so much misery on this planet?
How your energetic vibrations can manifest your heart’s desires
A few months later, I came across the teachings of Abraham, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Esther channels a group consciousness, referred to as Abraham, to explain the universe from a higher perspective. Here, I read about adding the ‘right’ energetic vibration to the mix.
Because of the notion ‘like attracts like’, it is paramount to be in a state of high vibration (i.e. feelings of gratitude, compassion, grace, or forgiveness, etc.) and not lower vibrational energies (i.e. feelings of jealousy, fear, worry, anger, judgment, or blame, etc.) when manifesting.
The universe does not answer to what is said, but to the vibration held. I considered this and thought back to my childhood. Maybe I had asked for the most stunning, exquisite doll, but underneath I had been clouded by worry, fear or, despair, and this is what I attracted.
Maybe I had doubted the appearance of the doll all along? Maybe I had been in a bad space because of an unresolved clash with my brother? Maybe the universe picked up on my actual vibration and delivered on that: meaning ‘no doll’?
This concept of energetic vibration made sense to me.
Otherwise, wouldn’t there be more people driving a Ferrari?
Still, something kept nagging me. My internal questing continued.
What about so-called ‘dark’ feelings? Hadn’t I read everywhere I shouldn’t suppress my dark feelings? One of the first things my therapist told me was not to gloss over, but to allow all feelings to surface and be felt. How did this align with putting myself into a continuous state of joy for manifesting? Wherever I looked, people were attracting unpleasant situations into their lives. They surely hadn’t asked for those, had they?
I kept on reading.
The following is the gist of what I’ve learnt so far. I don’t claim this to be comprehensive and I am always open to expanding my views further. In fact, I believe once embarked on, there will always be more to experience and integrate in this mission of understanding the deeper mysteries of our souls. My intention here is to share the learnings my own journey which might help you open your heart for more, too.
It starts with understanding our limiting beliefs
I believe a high vibration, radiating out from the heart space, is the key and will serve as an attractor field for exciting, wonderful experiences. However, the path to get into this state and to hold those frequencies throughout life’s challenges is not an easy one. It requires working through trauma and limiting belief. It takes practice and stamina.
I believe all of us come into this life with certain lessons to learn. I also believe we agree to go through these lessons prior to incarnating. Some of these are new lessons, some may be repeated lessons or karmic lessons. We choose the perfect set-up (parental, environmental, and cultural) to allow us to pick up the vibrations and energies that will attract our lessons into our lives.
As children, everyone is vulnerable and exposed. This is a time when belief systems can be imprinted easily. On top of this, patterns are handed down through the bloodline or other situations. All these belief systems and our energetic imprint make us who we are in our human form.
Because of the Law of Attraction (‘like attracts like’), we attract certain situations into our lives. This is the mirror-process at work. People and situations show up and mirror the exact belief system / energetic imprint that a person holds. This feels like a challenge because our own trauma gets triggered. In fact, these situations / people show up as an eye-opener exposing the belief system or energetic pattern which has come up for healing. Healing means diving within to work through the emotions and learnings of the situation we’ve been holding onto. Healing involves letting go, allowing, forgiving, and loving that part of yourself that does not feel well.
Many of our belief systems don’t operate from a state of pure love, and instead lead to self-limitation, self-bashing, or lack of self-worth, etc. This means our vibration is not automatically in the highest state of bliss, joy, and peace. This explains why we do not attract our highest potential, but whatever ‘is due’ for healing. If we can move through this and clear the situation at its core (i.e. resolve the original trauma), we can let go of this pattern. Lesson learnt! Hopefully!
In my experience, a ton of grief usually comes up for me and I feel tired and exhausted after clearing a traumatic situation. This may mean I spend a few consecutive days crying. All the stored, stale energy needs to come out and for me, crying, journaling, being in nature, exercising, or sleeping are the best ways of moving through this. Often, I experience physical symptoms, like diarrhea, pains, or strong bleeding when in my moon phase. These paths may be different for everyone.
Our emotions are the key for moving forward
I believe we have come here to evolve and evolving means changing. Changing means letting go of old situations, making space and allowing new ones to come in. The process of evolution involves shedding the old skin.
As long as we hold on to anger, resentment, or other unresolved issues, this energy remains present in our energetic field and will influence our vibration. Every human being on this planet holds energies like this. On a subconscious level, fear or anger (and the rest of the crew!) are present. Glossing over them with happy thoughts will not resolve the core issue. If someone truly wants to heal and move beyond a challenge, the core issue needs to be addressed. This process is often not pretty. Afterwards, the energy can be replaced with fresh, new blissful thoughts, and emotions.
All of this means being in tune with your emotions is the key to understanding what is really going on in your life and what wants to be healed next. When a trigger comes up, being aware of the emotions accompanying the reaction is the first step forward. Next, it is paramount to find out what is really behind the trigger. I have found this is often something completely different. Because of the mirror-process, it is important to understand that it does not help to blame the person or the situation triggering you. This is giving your power away. Instead, look within. Your reaction is always based on your own internalized issues. After letting go of the emotions of the trigger situation, sitting in silence and asking is the best way to understand what is behind the trigger.
Once you are moving through the healing process, it is important to replace the old stale energies with fresh energies. Here, affirmations and visualizations can be very helpful. Overall, this process leads to an upgrade of the vibrations of your field.
Is your ego or your soul guiding your manifestation efforts?
Back to manifesting.
I believe manifestation works. However, the question is what to manifest. Do we focus on ego-based manifestations or soul-based manifestations?
When I look back at my futile doll-manifestation incident, I can now see the manifestation was based on ego. Why did I need yet another doll? Because I wanted to increase my worth amongst my peer group? Because I felt I did not have enough dolls? (Not true!) Behind this was most likely the notion of ‘not feeling good enough’; a childhood belief many of us hold.
I thought, this doll would cure my inner woes. This thought was wound-based. Ego was there to protect me from reliving whatever trauma led me into the ‘I’m not good enough’ story in the first place. The funny thing about ego is it’s making up its own, often crooked way to keep us safe. In order not to be laughed at again, which might have happened at school, ego decided I needed a fancy doll (to be upgraded into a fancy car, house and yacht later). These manifestations are ego-driven and not soul-based. They will never fill the emptiness on the inside, regardless of how great and glamorous a life might seem from the outside. The soul has not been fed.
Manifestation from the soul is different. If we surrender to the divine will of the universe and follow the path shown to us with the least resistance, our truest soul’s desire can be manifested and lead us towards filling the empty space within. However, often, we do not know what our soul truly desires. We make assumptions based on our environment and culture and construct our desires according to those. But these might be far from our soul’s truest wishes.
How do we find out our soul path if we do not know it? This is when the feelings come in again. When something creates a warm, exciting, bubbly feeling, coupled with a hunch of nervousness, this is most likely soul speaking ‘yes’. Our soul communicates to us through our feelings which is another reason why we should be in tune with them.
Our feelings are important. They convey messages and are signposts on the way forward towards manifesting bliss and joy. I believe it is important to accept every part of ourselves, including the parts where we do not feel great. Bringing in love and kindness for ourselves makes us feel whole and integrated. From this space we can truly manifest our most satisfying, blissful soul path.