Why I believe in Past Life Trauma
Reflections of a past life can stay with us (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
How past life healing helps my chronic pain
Past life healings have been an integral part of my personal healing journey in the last few years. I stumbled into the field the first time and had no idea what to expect. Frankly, before it happened, I was not even aware something like “past life healings” existed.
As a result, I’d like to share my experiences and what I’ve learnt with you.
I’d like to stress I’m no expert in this, so please forgive me if I forget details or don’t frame this right. It will be different for everyone. I don’t mean to offend anyone, so if I use terms that seem inappropriate, please forgive me. I’m using my own language to simplify how I’ve come to understand the process. I hope this helps others understand and open up to whatever guidance they need.
I believe past life healings can be important.
How old trauma hurts my body today
I’m a spirit having a human experience. When I die, my body gets left behind but my soul is eternal and consistently “me”. I believe in reincarnation.
For each life, my individual soul energy or spirit creates my individual human body. This means the energetic field around me forms a template or blueprint for my physical body. I compare this to making sand cakes from a mold. The cake depends on the shape of the mold. When changes are made to the mold, the cake will look different. The same is true for me: when my energetic template is changed, my physical body is affected. Many energies can influence my energetic blueprint: thoughts, other people’s energies, belief systems, trauma of any kind, and so on.
I believe we are born with specific imprints in our energetic template which guide how our physical body is shaped. This can include past life trauma. When a traumatic event happens in a past life, like a violent stabbing, the experience can be held as “energy frozen in time”. This means the energetic imprint of the event stays in this life’s energetic blueprint. Energy is supposed to flow. Often, when we get a scare, we suck in the energy and forget to breathe. Breathing allows the energy to keep flowing. When we don’t breathe deeply, energy gets stuck and stays in our field. If we can’t release it later, it stays with us.
I believe my soul communicates with me through my body. My body is highly sensitive and I can sense when something is not quite right. This doesn’t always have to be a past life experience. For example, this could simply be “grief” I haven’t allowed to flow.
Back to past life healings.
I’ve had chronic back pain for as long as I can remember. It shows up in my shoulders and my upper back. I’ve lived with stiffness, pain, sore shoulders, and tightness in my spine for many years. When I used to touch the area, the pain was so excruciating I would let it simmer instead of dealing with it. It was too much to bear.
This pain in my back showed up in different spots, the left shoulder held a large one, as did the area in between my shoulder blades. When I finally started yoga eight years ago, my teacher asked me to rotate my shoulder blades and I couldn’t. It was impossible. I had a hard time with postures that involved twisting, and with shoulder stands. While the consistent stretching and movement through yoga helped and brought release, a few spots in my back remained painful and kept flaring up.
Just a few weeks ago, the pain in my upper back intensified and wouldn’t budge at all. Yoga was not enough. This was a sign to look at the issue from a different angle.
When I tried breathing deeply into the part that hurt, I noticed I’d set up an avoidance pattern. I wasn’t allowing breath to flow into those parts. I was constricting myself. This, of course, created muscle tension which might also be causing tightness around the area. I wasn’t allowing the energies to flow, maybe because I feared the pain and the grief sitting behind it.
My next step was to see if I could get any impressions of what was happening energetically. I love doing this when I go for a run, an activity which settles me into a highly meditative state.
I tuned in and asked for guidance. In my mind’s eye, I received the impression of a large, dark, crow-shaped form clinging to my back clouding everything. Its wings ran along my arms all the way to my wrists and hands (which were experiencing chronic pains as well). This figure did not feel pleasant. During the next few days, more information came in. I love working with angel and oracle cards, angel numbers, and messages from spirit animals. Sometimes, confirmation comes in through dreams or through channeled writing as well. It feels like a treasure-hunt; only I was lacking the excitement because the pain numbed my senses.
The messages were:
“There is old guilt that needs to be released. It is blocking your heart chakra and higher heart chakra from the back. It is keeping you from receiving divine love and connecting to the inner flow.”
What it feels like to receive a past life healing
I booked a session with a spiritual healer who specializes in past life healings. The sessions run online and go for about 90 minutes. At the beginning of the session, I gave her the details of what I felt needed work and the gist of the messages I’d been receiving. I also asked my angels and guides of the highest light and resonance to bring forward whatever needed attention most.
The healer set the scene by invoking high vibrational beings to create a safe container for the healing. Next, she tuned into the guidance she was receiving. This particular healer (I have tried different ones and they all have their individual style) goes into detail which can be interesting but confronting at the same time.
The healer confirmed my impression of the dark figure attached to me. She compared it to the dementors of the Harry Potter books. She said it was linked to guilt. She then proceeded to give me details of the past life that caused the guilt.
About 1600 AD, I lived in the area known as Transylvania and engaged in a cult that worked with darker powers. I studied their rituals and ways with dedication and intellect. Before I could commit an atrocity, a lady (I was male in that lifetime) came in and opened my heart. The healer said she was my twin flame. I was torn between my loyalties but could not get myself to leave the cult. The lady was murdered (not through my hands) because she knew too much. When I found out about the murder, guilt closed my heart (at the back). I was not able to resolve this during this particular past life which is why this energy has been sitting with me ever since.
The healer shifted all the energies into light in a process of co-creation, which means I participated by choosing to heal this part of me.
After the energetic shifts, it’s my body’s turn
The healing happened on an energetic level. I can sometimes perceive this as a tickle. Most often, though, I don’t feel anything during a session.
Now that the blueprint had changed, the actual product (my body) needed to adjust. This involved clearing and cleansing out any old, low vibrational energies. In this case, it hit me about six days later, though this can vary. I’ve had reactions straight after a healing or even months later. Very often, my release happens through crying. In this case, I spent five to six hours crying, sobbing, and releasing. This part was not pleasant. I felt exhausted and vulnerable. I could feel the grief attached to the guilt. I was finally processing it in my body.
Whenever I have a release like this, my body feels exhausted. I go to bed early. Sometimes, I even fall asleep during the day because I can hardly keep my eyes open or function any longer. Often, this feels better the next day. A long sleep works miracles. I always ask the angels of healing to come in and support me in the process.
Other forms of release can involve diarrhea or bleeding (when in my moon phase).
I have been working on my chronic pain for years now and even though I’ve been able to shift a lot, the process feels incomplete. I compare this to an onion where I’m peeling off layer after layer. Once a layer has shifted, I can reach the next deeper layer (or trauma). I might find relief for a few days, but then, sure as the sun rises in the morning, the pain comes back. It might be in a slightly different spot, but my back pains have all been sitting in the vicinity of the back of the heart and the higher heart chakra.
My healings depend on which part of my body feels the most urgent (i.e. hurts the most). Some healers won’t go into details or might give me a few hints only. Among other past lives, I’ve been in the guillotine (French revolution), stabbed in the left shoulder blade, and burnt as a witch. All these traumatic experiences stayed in my energetic field and manifested in this life as physical pain and stiffness. The pain associated with these events didn’t come back after the respective healings. Sometimes, it might take a few goes to release whatever wants to be healed.
If this might be an area you want explore, I think it is important to get help. It is also paramount to find the right practitioner. Ask your spirit guides to help you find the perfect match for you in accordance with your Higher Self. Trust your instincts. Your gut feeling will tell you if you should move forward with a particular person.
Go forth and explore – carefully. ♥