Feeling the Pain of the World - Every Day
Pain coming in waves (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
I feel the pain of the world. Every single day. I feel it surging through me. It comes in waves. It connects straight with my heart. I breathe in and I breathe out. It takes courage to connect with the pain of the world, to open my eyes, to face it, to see what is going on.
The little girl who is crying because she has lost her mum.
The little boy who does not understand why his world is falling apart.
The baby experiencing for the first time what real hunger means.
The farmer waiting for the rain to come. The farmer looking at the floods taking everything.
The family fleeing the fire. The war. The hunger. The disease. The violence. Running away from what used to be safe. Or was that safety always just an illusion?
Young people losing hope. What will be left of the planet and its beauty by the time they grow up?
Everyone craving love. Feeling lonely and misunderstood.
People lashing out with old pains. Not knowing how to handle those.
So much pain everywhere.
My world is not small. My world is large. It contains the whole universe. I tap into it and I can feel the pain of all there is.
The pain of the trees being cut down to make room for another city, another mine, more industry.
The pain of the animals losing their homes. Their food.
The pain of the ocean looking at the pollution. She can do nothing but hold it.
The pain of the insects dying in clouds of toxins.
All in the name of improving our situation. Really?
I don’t know if feeling the pain helps.
I am trying to not to drown in it. I am trying not to attach judgement to it.
I am praying for love, grace, compassion, and mercy.
For all of us. For our planet. For all there is.