Uncovering your life purpose with intuitive coach Krystyne
Moving along your life’s path (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
It’s never too late to connect with your inner passion
Krystyne is an Australian based spiritual mentor/coach assisting people to uncover who they truly are by helping them release blocks, obstructions, or limitations and, subsequently, revealing each person’s life potential.
Krystyne looks back on decades of experience and works with a vast array of tools, like kinesiology, numerology, astrology, and divine guidance, to name but a few. She offers online sessions. To connect with Krystyne, visit her website at: https://www.krystyne-kinesiology.com.au/
I’ve worked with Krystyne on a number of occasions. Please read my blogs for more detailed accounts of my experience.
Disclaimer: All of these articles contain personal information only and are not meant as health, medical, or any other advice.
What’s my life purpose?
M: Hi Krystyne, so lovely to see you! What would you like to share with our readers?
K: Good morning, lovely to be here! Let’s dive right in: I often get asked “what’s my life purpose?” I believe our purpose is to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. In the end, this comes down to everyone’s choice. I see myself as a mentor/coach for people to help them remember who they really are, at their core. I help them in their quest to find answers to what they perceive as blocks, obstructions, and limitations in their journey through life.
In a nutshell, what does this mean?
Let’s start in childhood. As a child, you are very much influenced by one or both parents in ways that shape the way you think, feel, and act - which are not necessarily the truth of how you would think, feel, and act if you were allowed to be; if your parents held a place for you to blossom and grow into who you were meant to be. The truth is, most times, parents don’t; instead they mold and shape us according to their own beliefs.
And they are not even aware of what they are doing, so there is unconscious shaping and patterning happening there, would you agree?
Absolutely. This is passed down from generation to generation, which means your parents were groomed by their parents, etc., influenced by traditions, culture, politics, religions, even the country you were born in; everything is passed down through the ancestral line. Most people continue to act according to these patterns of behavior because they are familiar and make them feel safe. In fact, they act like survival strategies.
Why survival strategies?
As a child, you learn to adapt to your external environment, the one you were born into. Your survival depends on your caretakers. So, naturally, you match your behavior to fit in, to please; so you are not abandoned.
I see. Growing up, I learned not to show any emotions. Being from Germany, I trace this back to the World Wars. Showing vulnerability was dangerous and potentially life-threatening. This pattern was passed down through my ancestors. I, also, learned to suppress my emotions – which made me very sick as an adult.
Who am I? What am I doing here?
Great example. How you learn to survive as a child in your environment is most often how you continue to express yourself in adulthood. People start to seek answers later in their lives asking “who am I?” and “What am I doing here?”
That’s definitely how my own journey started. I cannot count how often I’ve asked myself those questions and I’m still asking them!
Yes, because we are acting from layer upon layer of adopted behaviors which stem from other peoples’ view of what and how we should be. These layers need to be peeled away. I help by revealing these patterns of behavior.
Who is coming to see you? Is this typical for someone in a mid-life crisis, like it was for me?
Most people coming to me say they are feeling stuck, blocked, frustrated, lost, or confused. They seek clarity of direction in life, career, relationship, and health. I have clients from all age groups. There are younger people (in their 20s to 30s) coming which is fantastic because they are going to be shaping our future. For my older clients, it’s about healing the wounds of their past so they can have some peace and feel joy in whatever years they have left. However, we are in a cycle of time where people are waking up. More people are seeking out this work than ever before.
How can you relate your work to the current status of our planet with its global problems, like the pandemic, or climate change?
Those are external factors and if any person is not comfortably sitting in their own skin, they are going to be more reactive and triggered by all of these events. Our children’s survival patterns come online again. As children, we were forced to react to our external environments and we were punished or reprimanded if we didn’t act accordingly. The survival strategies we adopted as children to fit in with our parents, our sibling, our culture, traditions, religion and so on caused us to focus more on the external. This trained us to behave, act, and think based on external triggers.
Today, in this age, there is much distraction from the outside. If you have never gone within and have understood who you are, what your passion is, what fills you with excitement, how you hold your balance, you become unstable with these external circumstances. If you discover how to sit comfortably in your own skin and how to hold a place of balance no matter what is going on around you, then you can flow through life much more easily.
Everything I do really is about that: How have you learned to survive in this world, how are you still doing this and how were you doing this in other life-times? Call it past lives or ancestral patterns / genetic disposition passed down through the generations; there usually is a bleed through from the past.
What’s a session like?
What does a typical session look like?
We discuss what the client feels to be the problem and what they want to achieve. Then, we do a mini guided meditation to set up protection and connect us to a safe and sacred space to do the healing. Using intuitive guidance combined with the multitude of healing skills I have built up over the past 40+ years, validated with muscle testing, I locate the core of the issue presented, which is mostly unresolved energies from prior incarnations, which have been triggered in this lifetime, so that we can see the patterns being replayed, find resolutions, and clear the distorted energies to reclaim the life force and skills into this life time. I reveal many details of the past incarnation and how it relates to the patterns in this life (using numerology & astrology & my intuitive skills).
Muscle-testing is a technique from kinesiology. Kinesiology means ‘the study of the mechanics of body movements’. I use muscle testing to validate the information I am receiving intuitively as being the best for the client I am working with (by applying slight pressure to muscles in my fingers).
How do you receive your intuitive information?
It is multi-sensory, which means I use my intuitive/psychic senses to connect to the guidance I receive. I work with my eyes closed. I can see images, but it’s not vivid imagery; it’s not like iMax! When I receive the first impression, e.g. a country location, I need to start talking about it, otherwise the story won’t unfold. I continuously hold my fingers in testing mode to make sure I am interpreting the impressions correctly and in a way that will be inspirational to the client. I leave about ninety minutes per session because sometimes I get the basic information first and later, there will be more details how this fits with the present life. It’s like a puzzle starting to fall into place. I also sometimes hear words or get feelings.
What needs to happen for a person to feel better at the end of a session?
There needs to be recognition of the patterns of behavior being revealed and a suitable reframe of the previously distorted perceptions, to free the person and to allow them to make better choices moving forward. This is where most of the life coaching takes place.
Is spiritual healing available for everyone? Will it not work sometimes? Can it go wrong?
As far as I can see, it is available for everyone - as we are all immortal souls having a human experience, and on a quest here to reclaim as much of our life force energy as we can from the trauma of previous incarnational experiences .
I don’t see how it could go wrong. Even if a person does not believe in ‘past lives’ it can be seen in a context of ancestral patterns that are held within the DNA cell memory.
Will the changes last?
The changes made are permanent as the cell memory is changed and the old behaviour is no longer an unconscious reactive pattern. However, I do advise that there are many patterns we have come here to change and many soul experiences that need to be resolved, in order for us to be able to create ‘Heaven on Earth’.
How did you find your life path?
You’re profoundly trained in different healing arts, like kinesiology, astrology, numerology, Reiki, NLP, to name but a few. What set you onto this path?
In my early 20s, I was taken to a meeting with a psychic medium and I was fascinated with the insights given and started to read books on metaphysical topics that led me to invest in many workshops over the years to build my own healing skills and explore my own potential. I have never really stopped studying & researching, the ‘journey of the soul’ is really my passion in life.
How did you know what path was right for you?
I knew I had found my passion and my direction and I pursued what resonated within. For example, when I studied astrology, there was a burning inner desire to do this and I went ahead and did it.
I certainly had lost the ability to feel into myself to find what resonates with me! It’s been a long process to reconnect to this.
Yes, it can take time! Often, we feel we need to know what our passion and purpose is and if we haven’t found it by the age of 20 or 30, we feel life is over. But that’s not true! There are so many people that have had careers and family and they tap into their purpose and passion much later.
As a healer, you’ve been through much healing yourself. What one lesson has taken you longest to learn?
To totally trust and be guided by my own gut level instincts and intuitive feelings, rather than being controlled by other people’s authority and my need to please them.
What is the most important thing you’ve been taught?
To be an observer to the life of myself and others from a place of compassion, neutrality, non-judgement, and acceptance of where each of us are at in our own journey. This shows when I see a client; I go into neutral, irrespective of my personal opinion.
Do you manage to keep this state of neutrality in your life at all times?
A lot more now! If we make a judgement, such as “why are they thinking this?” or “what’s going on with them?” we are focusing on the external and yapping in your heads about it. That is exhausting! Instead, we need to focus on what is going on within us, in our life, in our world. Everyone is in their own movie and reality playing out their lives and lessons. Being neutral is a much more comfortable place to be.
With clients I’ve been neutral naturally. It was more a sense of wonder of seeing what’s going on, amazement, and curiosity, like “wow, no wonder this person is having this experience!” especially when I work with a person over a prolonged time. When a person comes and is all fired up emotionally about a quarrel with someone else, I can test how much of the emotion is actually related to a particular incident. It is usually 1-2 %. So what’s the rest? The relationship in its entirety in this life might account for maybe 20% and the rest is related to mother or father or past life triggers. The thing is, we are constantly surrounded by people pushing the buttons on these soul memories so they can come up for healing.
I’ve certainly had lots of that! To finish of our conversation, I’d like to ask: what is your wish for humanity/our readers?
What’s your wish for our readers?
To discover the power of your own imagination to create the life you really want to live; rather than live in the enslavement to the fears, traumas, and beliefs of your ancestors, the past of this and other lives that are imprinted into your cellular memory.
Thank you so much, Krystyne! I enjoyed this chat!
Thank you!