I am never alone
Blessed by the light (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
I bow to the divine within.
I bow to my higher light, my higher knowing, and the love within.
I bow and I am in awe.
I see my inner value. My innate value. Just because I am. I am. I AM.
I allow myself to be up lifted and I hold my head high. There is nothing to hide any more. There is the light to shine from within and illuminate my way, my path forward through the moments of darkness we all experience.
I know, within me, there is an eternal flame, an eternal flame of love guiding me, holding me, keeping me warm. I open my arms wide to allow it to flow through me and lift me into a higher understanding and higher love.
I am. I am you. I am me. I am part of all. I am part of the oneness that weaves through our universe. I am part of the whole.
I feel nothing but gratitude for this experience. I feel nothing but serenity and a deep humbleness. For being part of it all. For this connection.
For I know I am never alone.