Spiritual Work is Daily Work
Step by step on your spiritual journey (image by author)
Allow yourself to hold yourself with compassion
If you want to shift and better your life, step into self-observation because true change is always led from the inside. Take the necessary steps with shadow work, journaling, meditating, and moving your body — or whatever helps you build a safe container so you can be with yourself.
Observe how you talk to yourself and how you treat yourself. Feel your feelings. Allow yourself to be held by your divine guidance.
Spiritual work is daily work. It is not just something that occurs in that hour of yoga practice per week or a retreat that you do once per year. The real deep shifts come from applying yourself daily, moment to moment, through holding yourself in a space of loving presence longer and longer each time. This is a process that requires patience and, often, you will feel like falling back into old patterns. That is normal. Please know this is part of the process.
And please, do not give up. Changing yourself day by day, habit by habit is not an easy task and it takes courage, stamina, and compassion.
We believe in you and we cheer you on — every step of your path.