When You Doubt Your Connection To Your Highest Guides
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They are with you. Always.
We are always here.
You know this.
We are always with you.
You are asking for a stronger connection and this is what we can tell you:
The connection is there. It has always existed. It has never ceased.
You know this deep within.
It is more a question of allowing yourself to surrender into this connection; of trusting yourself to actually feel this connection.
Surrender into that deep space of yours where truth resides; where you can easily tap into us, yourself, and your inner wisdom.
We are your highest guides and we are part of you. This is what is true.
Can you allow us and our connection to come in by trusting yourself? Because essentially, you are guiding yourself. This is your higher divine guidance coming in.
So it comes back to the question: do you trust yourself? Do you believe in yourself? Do you trust that life is giving you the experiences you need and crave for your growth and for mastering the next step? Can you let go and surrender into this completely and fully?
Know this: We are by your side. Always.