Twelve Books that Help Support My Spiritual, Mental and Physical Well-being
Reading helped me rise higher (Image courtesy of
Each marks milestones of wisdom
Books carried me through the challenging years of my healing journey. I couldn’t have done it without them. They showed up at exactly the right time and I’m eternally grateful for the wisdom and guidance received.
The following books stand out for me. It’s by far not a comprehensive list, but the wisdom contained marks milestones.
Maybe one of these speaks to you as well.
Mental Health
1. The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You
By Karla McLaren
Empath Karla McLaren gives details on every emotion and how they serve as conveyors of messages. Her focus lies on the so called “negative” emotions, like anger or guilt. Here, I read for the first time it was okay to be angry. I remember how I gasped. I had to reread this sentence several times. Karla’s wisdom was an entry ticket to my inner self. She helped me see value in every feeling we experience.
2. The Shadow Effect
By Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson
This book found me right after my therapist suggested I dive into my shadow . I had no idea what she meant.
“Our shadow is made up of all the parts of ourselves that we hide, deny, suppress, and don’t see in ourselves – both the positive and the negative.” (
Well, I was in for a ride. There was a lot hidden in my shadow and this book gave me the courage to look at it for the first time.
3. You Can Heal Your Life
By Louise Hay
This is a wonderful starting point for exploring the link between our physical bodies, our thoughts (or mental bodies), and emotions (emotional bodies). Louise Hay is the creator of “The List” which allows you to link a body ailment to a potential mental pattern. Here I learnt for the first time how our mind and emotions influence our physical bodies. Intuitively, I knew how powerful words are, however this book gave me the proof. If you are ready for the next mind-body-link level, head to Carolyn Myss (number 9 on this list).
Parenting and Family
4. Psychic Kids: True Life Stories of Children Who See Beyond the Everyday
By Susan Bishop
This book helped me open my eyes to the invisible. Most of all, it gave me the understanding I needed in parenting a highly sensitive child. Without this particular guidance, I might easily have dismissed what was really going on in the world of our son.
5. Teen Brain
By David Gillespie
Such a fascinating book! David sums up how screens are influencing our brains and why teenagers specifically are prone to addiction. This book gave me the courage to implement our strict “Screen time rules”. It’s an on-going commitment but coming back to this evidence gives me the stamina to keep going.
6. The New Manhood
By Steve Biddulph
Are men more detached from their emotions than women? How do men see their role in a family unit? What is the story behind “how things are with men and women” in our Western world? I love how Steve puts a higher perspective on the role of men and suggests a path forward, leading towards healing and unity. This book helped my husband understand how he functions as the prime role model for our sons and how he can positively influence their future by being more present.
Spirituality and Guidance
7. Conversations with God Book 4
By Neale Donald Walsch
Neale thought his series “Conversations with God” was completed with his Trilogy. But he was called back to his desk to record volume four which deals with the “Awakening of the Species”. This book popped in as I was approaching my own awakening. It was one of the first books providing me with a higher perspective on life and what happens beyond our visible world (e.g., Highly Evolved Beings from other dimensions). It is filled with inspiration and, most importantly, lots of love.
8. Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls
By Michael Newton
These books cover “Lives Between Lives” (LBL). Michael worked as a hypnotherapist specializing in LBL regressions. He has structured the information he’s received from all his clients to give us an idea of what happens once our souls leave our physical bodies. Journey of Souls describes the path from death to being reborn. Destiny of Souls give more details. I especially love the case studies. Reading those books has helped me gain a higher perspective on what is happening in my life on earth. There is a reason behind all the lessons we are presented with.
Energy Healing and Our Physical Bodies
9. Anatomy of the Spirit
By Carolyn Myss
I loved this book. Carolyn’s personal story took Louise Hay’s healings to the next level of understanding for me. So much suddenly made sense. Carolyn is a medical intuitive and can perceive diseases by tuning into the energy of others. Based on her experiences, she has developed a guidance system on how to heal.
10. Core Light Healing
By Barbara Brennan
I have to be honest, when I first read this book I might have understood a maximum of 50%. However, I wasn’t put off by this as I held in my hands a comprehensive guide on how energy works in our body and our fields. Barbara provides background information and structure on the Human Energy Consciousness System. This book helped me tie together loose ends by opening a path into understanding how traumatic experiences are kept in our bodies as energetic blocks and how energy healing works.
11. Energy Medicine
By Donna Eden
This is a hands-on healing volume. Donna shares her practical ways of keeping our energy flowing. There are many exercises, for example, how to trace your meridians every day to keep them from blocking. I do her “5-minute energy clearing” daily. It feels good to have something at hand that can help when you feel that something is off in your body.
12. The Medical Medium
By Anthony Williams
My body wasn’t well at the beginning of my healing journey and it took me a few years to get it back to a good working level. Anthony’s advice was extremely valuable, especially since I suffered from the Epstein-Barr virus. Reading this book finally explained why I was feeling the way I was feeling, even though nothing showed up when I went to the doctor! Anthony also provides information on common health myths worth checking out, though stay open to finding your own path.
As always, check in with your own intuition and see what resonates for you.
Enjoy reading! ♥