A Channeled Message of Hope for Humanity – and for Every Single One of Us
You are beautiful (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
You may accept this divine offer
During one of my meditations, I received the call to serve as a messenger.
I truly wish for the words offered to kindle new hope in you.
Me: “I am now asking you to channel through me according to the highest light and resonance and vibration in alignment with my Higher Self and Christ consciousness, the divine feminine and the divine masculine.”
The Divine: “We have been with you for so many years, though here in our dimension time is not an issue. Time is only linear in your dimension. We have always been in contact with you and always will, forever in the now moment, in the one moment, in the present moment, as everything is happening in the universal womb at the same time and simultaneously. This allows you to shift and jump timelines. It is amazing to witness how humanity is starting to play more and more with time and space, healing old wounds, creating the future simply by allowing the time-space continuum to come into their existence and onto their plane again.
You are all doing so well. We are in love with how well you are managing the situation. Know that you are all safe because you are all divine beings of light and of the highest vibration. You might not perceive this because you have lost the connection or covered it up with muddy distractions. These are now crumbling and falling, and you will be able to allow your divine light to shine through again for eternity and the now moment.
We are filling you with divine love. Know that love surrounds you all, regardless of how desperate this world seems to be. Know that everything will be fine because you are part of the divine light. All of you are part of the divine light, call it whatever you like, but love is the base for it. You are all love, starving for love, craving love, and eventually you will all return to love. You can elect to go there now, or you can wait a little longer. It does not matter from a higher perspective, because in the end it all comes back together to the now moment and when you choose to go to the one-unity-connecting now moment, then you are automatically there. Time is simply a construct we’ve established to help you feel and experience the duality of this planet. Everything exists within the one womb of consciousness and it is only because you have chosen to forget parts of it that you could descend onto the earth plane. It is only because you have been curious enough to want to try it that this whole dimension has been put into existence. Of course, all dimensions exist within the one consciousness. Everything there is exists in the one consciousness. Know that you can always select in every moment to return to the one consciousness and that it is safe for you to return. It is also safe for you to experience and play out whatever you have chosen, subconsciously or consciously to play out. It is safe for everything because in the end you are all part of the one consciousness and everyone is safe. Everyone can always choose to select love on the spectrum. It is always available for everyone and it is your choice. Not having a choice is an illusion that has been set up to create this planet and to create duality so you can experience and play. But if you feel tired of this game, and we can feel how many of you are, then you can now choose to let it go. Take a breath, step back, and move into the highest light and into the love consciousness. We are here and we welcome you with wide arms. Every one of you. We make no difference because we can see and sense the divine light in all of you. In every single one of you.
We marvel at your beauty. We marvel at your courage. We marvel at your faith.
It is not easy to move back through all the dense layers towards the light. Know this as well. We acknowledge the strain and the challenges and the pain you are moving through. We hear you. We feel you. Please know we are supporting you with love, light, faith, and whatever else we can offer. We are infiltrating the planet with hope. Step back and allow yourselves to open to this hope. Allow yourself to open to the possibilities. Allow yourself to bathe in the beauty of what-if marvels. Allow yourself to sink deep into the connection of divine love that resides in every single one of you. If you have forgotten how, ask for assistance. It is there. We know that, in your time, it may feel like an eternity and as though it is never ending, but please know everything is happening fast from our perspective. Everything is happening at once, and everything is turning out to be beautiful. Please try to let go of blame, guilt, and judgment. Everyone is on their own journey and only they know why they are where they are at. Accept everyone’s path. Everyone’s path is unique, important, and everyone has a right to be here. Everyone has the right to travel on their chosen path. Connect within and to your own path and forgive yourself. Let go of all guilt, fear, anxiety. Be nice and gentle and accepting with yourself.
These are challenging times and will continue to be so because you have elected to play this out in a dimension where the rules are different. Please don’t lose hope, the path forward is only through love and joy and peace which can only be achieved through forgiveness. Forgiveness for yourself and for everyone.
Let go and ask for all of these energies to be transmuted. Trust and pray. Pray every day. Ask to be connected with your own inner beauty and your own inner joy. Keep going. Don’t give up. Ask again and again. We never grow tired of your asking because we can feel how challenging it is from your point of view. We can see and feel it all. We understand. We are here. We answer. Always.
Healing is a long and strenuous process, but it is the only way forward and we know you can do this. You are built for this. You have everything you need. It is within you. Stop looking outside. Focus within. See and marvel at yourself and your wonderful body, your eyes, your soul shining through, your laughter. Giggle with your children, your friends, your pets. Feel the soothing energy of a hug rush through your body. If there is no one to hug, hug yourself. Allow it. Be gentle. Allow yourself to feel the gentleness that is behind everything. Allow yourself to connect to the trust that you can do it and are safe. Your soul is safe.
Remember that you are beautiful, just the way you are. You are so beautiful. Connect to the gratitude within when you finally recognize your own beauty and amazingness. You are a true miracle. You are a wonder, and we are in awe. We bow our heads to you, and we cannot wait to hold you in our arms once more, when we meet again in the one moment where everything is connected, and we all know who we truly are.”