Relating to Life After Uncovering Your Core Wound
Let the light in! (Image by author)
What a courageous step to take!
When, finally, after much inner work, you arrive at your core wound — or maybe one of your core wounds because there could always be more — when this moment has arrived and the wound opens up before you in all its rawness, and you look at it in disbelief because it had been such a part of you, intricately woven into your reality, that you never realized you were operating through a tinted perspective of truth; that your wholism had been violated all along; in this moment, your whole world tips up side down.
You’ve opened the door to this shadow part of yours, you’ve let the light in illuminating it in its entirety, and you gasp because you see the pain at the core of it which had become a part of you, so much that you were unable to recognize it for what it was. You swallow because you never believed this level of misperception could happen to you.
You wonder how you never saw the truth of it, after stumbling through that door, and you look at yourself and see yourself in a different light, in the light of your truth, your worth, and your love.
The rules you’ve applied to life so far, suddenly appear random and pulled out of context. That, which used to be true, is not anymore. You don’t know any longer how to relate. And you know, every relationship you have perceived through that filter of your core wound, will have to be redefined. Healing is needed, compassion, and self-love.
And when you realize, you are free to move forward based on a new, beautifully crafted, consciously chosen set of values, birthed from soul love, you smile.