3 Tools to Make This Your Best Year
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Change yourself, Change your life
There always only ever is the power to change yourself.
If you feel dissatisfied with the status of your life, the world, of what is happening around you, of what you are witnessing, take a step back. Drop into your center and look within. Allow yourself to feel the truth of what is going on.
You only ever have the power to facilitate a single change, and this change is you. The change comes from within. This is where your power lies.
You have the ability and the power to make different choices, to think different thoughts, and to walk away from certain situations. You can choose what to engage with, where to expend your energy, and where you would like to place your focus. You can set goals, you can dream, you can choose to connect with beauty and clarity.
This is where your power lies. It is in the moment that comes before the reaction. In this moment you can allow yourself to change to a different narrative by engaging with your heart before moving forward. It is a conscious choice every day, every moment. This is how you facilitate true change.
You do not possess the power to change the world, but you have the power to change yourself - and this ripples into the word prompting change to unfold. You hold the power to lift yourself up and thus the whole word.
You have the power to choose kindness. You have the power to change how you communicate with yourself. You have the power to heal your mental patterns.
These are my favorite tools:
Allow yourself to create stillness, within and around you. Allow yourself to be free of distractions. Allow yourself to connect with your breath. Find a sacred space that allows you to tap into the stillness of the moment. It can be in nature, it can be by visiting a sacred site, it can be in a corner of your house. Stillness can be found in an activity, like walking, gardening, or knitting, in anything that allows your mind to feel focused, yet relaxed.
In this stillness you open yourself to receiving answers, guidance, and truth.
Prayer is your way of communicating with your heart and the divine, with your soul, your inner sacredness, your highest truth and your highest path. Connect with your heart and allow yourself to feel, in its depth, the truth of your prayer. A true prayer comes from your soul. A prayer is not a demand for the outer reality to be shifted, but instead a call for guidance, blessings, and grace. Praying is a sacred act. It springs from your inner being and connects you with the grace of the divine.
Allow yourself to see and accept the truth of your reality. By permitting yourself to connect with your truth, you open yourself up to shifts and upgrades. Accepting the truth of your circumstances can require great amounts of courage. As humans, we tend to hide what we do not like to see. It is in these hidden aspects of truth where enormous change and growth potential lies. Be honest with yourself, and, most importantly, be kind when stepping onto the path of seeing your truth. Remember that change comes from within you – so this requires you to connect with your own personal truth and not that of somebody else.