7 Steps How to Remain Present While Leading a Busy Life
Navigating the waves of life (image by author)
First, set the intention to remain present, centered, balanced and grounded throughout your day. Get up in the morning and take a few quiet moments to check in with yourself. Use this time for setting your intentions for the day.
As with anything new, it might take time for this practice to deepen and for you to feel the results, but every journey starts with the first baby step. If you stay focused on your goal, you will move closer to being able to stay present longer every day!
Celebrate your successes! When you notice you are being pulled out of your center, celebrate that you are noticing. That means you are moving closer to your goal! Do not blame yourself, if you can, for any backlashes, these are bound to happen. Instead, take a few moments and allow yourself to breathe deeply, calling back all of your energies into your center while releasing anything that is not yours or does not serve you. This practice can be done anywhere, on the go, while shopping, while in a meeting, while at a party, it only requires a few seconds and it will help you instantly. Of course, noticing how these shifts happen instantly might require practice and time — depending on your conditioning, your belief systems, patterns, and where you are at in your journey. But please know, all your requests for help are answered, always, even if you cannot seem to feel it. We are always there.
If you find yourself caught in an argument, in an unbalanced situation or if feeling lost, a little, silent “Help me, please, guides of the highest light!” goes a long way. This is another practice that takes mere seconds and can be easily incorporated into your daily life.
Know this: You have all the energies of the world at your fingertips. If you feel unbalanced, call for balance to come in. If you feel unclear, ask for clarity to come in. If you feel stressed, ask for calming energies to come in. If you need courage, ask for courage to come in. Do you see the pattern? Be in continuous communication with your highest guides, they are waiting for your call, they are sitting on the edges of their seats, ready to jump in and communicate with you.
The question always is, what intention lies behind your asking. If you can surrender the answers and the help to what is in alignment with your highest good and the highest good of everyone involved, then there is purity behind your asking and you need not over complicate this in terms of correct wording or if you need to use a ritual.
Your heart center serves as your compass to help you discern what energies, what path, or what decision is the right one for you. There are infinite forms of energy about and it is key to learn how to discern which ones serve you and are meant for you. Again, this takes practice, and it will most likely feel unsatisfactory in the beginning, and you will probably feel overwhelmed. But again, know this, the guidance for you is there and if you keep going, you will be able to incorporate your heart compass into your daily life.
Also know this, tapping into your divine guidance will not prevent you from feeling your emotions. After all, you are in a human body. Resisting your emotions leads to suppressing them which means they get stored in your field or body and will eventually resurface, often when you least need it. Maybe you can take a few minutes each day to let your emotions wash through you. A little cry every day helps cleanse your emotional body and this can help you stay centered.
We love you very much and we are excited to be with you on your journey!
Message from your highest guides