10 Key Questions for Finding the Right Energy Healer
Finding our light (Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com)
Including what to do when it goes wrong
In the last few years, I’ve seen about ten different energy healers, psychic mediums, and spiritual practitioners. They all show up differently, just as every human being does.
The purpose of this article is to answer some of the questions I had when embarking on this journey. Back then, I wouldn’t have known who to ask, but I would have loved a comprehensive guide. Over time, I’ve put together a picture for myself based on my own experiences. This does not mean I know the truth. In contrast, far from it, because I have my own unique lens. However, I’d like to offer my perspective as a starting point.
It is up to you to discern and take from this article whatever resonates with you and leave whatever does not ring true. I cannot take responsibility for any advice offered; your choices on how to proceed on your path are entirely up to you.
In this article, I am not talking about chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists or similar “alternative practitioners”, whose work I also deeply value. Instead, the focus is on energy healing which includes the auric field, the chakras, energy pathways in our bodies, different dimensions, soul work and similar topics where the session uses energetic tools and the inner senses to communicate, heal, and clarify. I’d like to add I have met great spiritual healers who started out as chiropractors and I am quite sure many health professionals work with their intuition and inner senses, maybe on a subconscious level, to achieve stunning results. I do not wish to offend anyone, so please forgive me if I use terminology that does not seem fitting from your perspective. My intention is to offer help and service coming right from my heart.
What do I think of spiritual practitioners?
I love checking out new energy workers. They have been a great help to me on my soul-searching and healing journey. They’ve also helped me with my physical issues. When I embarked on my healing journey, I was a mess; mentally, physically and in every other sense. Doctors in the traditional Western medical sense couldn’t help me or couldn’t tune into what was wrong with me. (I am sure there are Western-style doctors who could have helped, only, I did not find them.) I needed a more holistic approach. I had inexplicable pains in my body showing up randomly. I was depleted and felt empty. Today, I know this was a lot to do with burn-out and depression, but my soul was also calling me to awaken. I desperately cried out for help—internally—and help arrived. I’ve been on an Inner Journey or soul-searching quest back to my true self ever since.
What kind of spiritual practitioners are there?
I cannot offer you a comprehensive list, but I’d like to give you an overview of who I’ve worked with:
Practitioners focusing on the physical body
o They use their intuition/tools to tune into your body to uncover imbalances. Based on this, they give you guidance on what your body needs. This could be replenishing a certain nutrient or the need for a deep detox.
o The healers I’ve worked with didn’t need blood tests or any other medical tests.
o The healers supplied details of supplements, usually four to five different ones, in a protocol. I had to transform the data into an excel sheet to manage the proper intake. All of my family have worked with these protocols. For all of us, the dosing started extremely high, and on a high frequency, to then slowly drop and eventually phase out. The phasing out of a supplement could take as long as two to three months.
o Often, one protocol or one treatment is not enough, depending on the state of the physical body. For example, our daughter had to do two or three rounds of detoxing before rebuilding her gut biome before adding specific supplements to help her brain function. This overall process lasted 18 months to two years.
Practitioners focusing on past-life healings / soul retrieval
o I totally love this stuff. It‘s based on the belief of reincarnation and that your soul is eternal, carrying with it everything it has ever experienced. I’ve written a whole blog on past life healings and another one on soul retrieval, so please check out these links to find out more.
Practitioners focusing on emotional healings / releasing of belief systems
o We all carry emotions we haven’t let go of or processed. When I don’t allow myself to grieve when someone has passed, this grief remains in my auric field and eventually causes physical symptoms. This is why it is so important to unblock these emotions. Often, when I’ve had an emotional healing, the bottled-up tears come out a few days later. This is the adjustment the physical body goes through.
o Similarly, we all create belief systems that help us understand the world or aim to keep us safe from future pain. Based on childhood experiences we can, for example, create the belief system that it is not safe to go near a dog (a dog may have bitten you). Does this apply to every dog? No. But do your fears and your belief system get triggered when you are close to a dog? Yes. This is where practitioners come in handy to help you release these belief systems and create new ones.
Practitioners focusing on mediumship
o This is about connecting with souls who have passed over.
o One of the mediums I saw channeled messages from my deceased grandparents. I was very close to my grandfather while he was still in human form, but he passed in 2003. Weeks before going to see the medium, I repeatedly reminded him in my mind about the appointment and I asked if he could be there. Well, it worked out well! The moment I entered the room, the medium picked up on his energies. We clarified who he was and I felt very emotional with the knowledge of having him in the room. I said something along the lines of “Oh, he is here!” and he replied (through the medium): “Of course I’m here! She’s been yelling at me inside her head for the past couple of weeks to better not miss this appointment!” He was so excited about being able to communicate with me that he literally “grabbed the microphone” and didn’t stop talking for about forty minutes. I loved the experience.
Practitioners focusing on spiritual coaching
o This form of coaching taps into information available through the inner senses in different dimensions. Specific questions arising in this lifetime are looked at from a higher perspective and you can receive guidance on how to proceed in alignment with your Higher Self / your Highest Path.
o I assume every practitioner has a unique approach on how to tune into the guidance and I don’t know the details. One of the practitioners I’ve worked with called in my grandparents who have passed over and she received her guidance, at least partially, through communicating with them.
o I’ll give you an example: When our daughter was about eight years old, she entered a difficult phase—well, difficult from my parenting perspective. I had no idea how to handle her. The practitioner I was seeing at this time provided valuable insights about what was going on for her and how I could work on myself to better our relationship. I received information on how to speak to her, on what she needed to hear, and which parenting approach would work best with her. Of course, a session like this didn’t “fix” the relationship with my daughter, however, I put in hard work to shift my own attitudes which has resulted in having a wonderful relationship with her now.
Of course, many practitioners combine multiple abilities and I am sure many more miracle workers are out there who I am not even aware of… yet (can’t wait to meet you all!).
When should I see a spiritual practitioner?
Sometimes, it is very obvious what is wrong. When you’ve torn a ligament, you need to see a specialist and potentially have surgery—as happened to me. In this case, I used a combined approach of Western medicine by getting a new ligament through surgery, and energy healing to support the healing process.
But sometimes, something simply feels ‘off’ and you cannot put your finger on it. Maybe your doctor is also at a loss. In such a moment, check in with your intuition and ask, “Who would be the best person to see for this in alignment with my highest self and my highest path?” See what answers you get.
Personally, I know I need to see an energy healer when something in my body feels off and there is no obvious reason for it. For example, I’ve had a tooth that ached randomly, always the same one and just the one. The dentist x-rayed it about five times never finding anything. When the tooth ached again a few weeks ago, I made an appointment with one of my spiritual healers. The tooth has been fine since!
I also like to get regular tune-ins with spiritual coaches to receive guidance or get clarity on an issue that’s eluded me. Often, they confirm my inner knowing. But sometimes, it just really helps hearing it from someone else.
How do I know who is the right healer / spiritual practitioner for me?
With so many different practitioners out there, it can be overwhelming to choose. A healer who works well for your best friend might not resonate with you at all. Or maybe you are at the starting point and do not even know where to look.
This is where your divine guidance comes in. It’s important to work with your personal intuition or gut feelings. If you are unsure where to start, keep asking for help and guidance. Ask for it in your mind. Say something like: “Please guide me towards the best healer / spiritual coach in alignment with my highest path and my highest self”. This “highest path/highest self” is important because you set the scene for the perfect healer to come in with this kind of request. Remember to stay open and receptive. The right person may be referred by a friend, you might see an ad, or walk past a sign. Keep checking in with what feels good for you.
How do I prepare best when seeing an energy practitioner?
Before a session, I usually take some quiet time and tune into what I feel is most important for me at the moment. Do I want guidance on my career, any parenting issues, or on a relationship? I consciously form questions in my mind and ask for the answers to come in. I always add “please bring in the guidance I need to hear most at this point in alignment with my highest path and my highest self and guide me toward the next steps”. If you are unsure what your priorities are, simply say those words and set the intention like this.
If you walk into the session without a clear intention, you will most likely still have a great time. However, your most pressing issues might not have enough time allocated to them. For example, when my grandfather came in, he was so excited that he spoke for forty minutes about his life and gave me messages for my dad which I could never pass on because my dad is not open to this form of guidance. The session was still great, but it didn’t focus as much on what I felt was pressing in my life. You can guess if I had set an intention prior or not…
I’m already seeing one energy practitioner. Does it make sense to consult an additional one?
In my experience, every healer brings a unique flavor to the session. To me, this feels like a puzzle. I am on an inner journey doing soul-searching. Ultimately, I am the only one who can put the puzzle together because this is about my unique inner being and my unique soul experience. However, every single practitioner can help me uncover an additional piece of the puzzle as they all apply their unique style and their unique point of view. None of the healers I’ve seen have worked in the same way.
If in doubt about seeing an additional healer because one process might interfere with another, check with the healer you are seeing at the moment. Ideally, they should give you information based on your highest path, free from any ego-traps. Again, trust your intuition.
How often do I need to see an energy practitioner?
Honestly, sometimes I wish I could see my favorite energy healer / kinesiologist every week. I usually feel great when I walk out of her clinic. But that is not feasible. For once, the finances play a role. But what is even more important is that I need time to process, learn, and integrate. By seeing her every week, I wouldn’t fully engage with my own healing. Some of the lessons need time to learn and process. For example, if I need to shift out of a habit, like continuously scolding myself for how I’ve showed up, that takes time. A healer can set the scene and put me on the journey, but then I need to put in the work. This requires discipline, compassion, and time. I need to allow myself this time.
In addition, my body needs to adjust physically to the shifts in my energy field. That takes time, too. My go-to-body routine of adjustment after a session is diarrhea which can last from anything between a day to much longer. My body wouldn’t be able to cope with too many sessions without resting time in between. I know this because I’ve tried it. One year, I overdid it. I only found out because my body went on strike. First, I suffered from diarrhea and nothing seemed to stop it. Then it swung the other way and I was constipated for many weeks. The pain was almost unbearable. I ended up having several sessions of colonics to help move out what needed to be released.
Sometimes it is enough to see a particular practitioner for one session only, meaning they pass on whatever guidance is available through them within this one session. I see other practitioners about once a year. My life needs to evolve to a certain level before they can present new information. I see other healers on a monthly basis. However, all this goes in cycles as well. Half a year may pass without me needing to see anyone, or I may see multiple healers within a month.
Why does a healer keep working on the same issue?
A trauma can be like an onion. First, you need to peel off the outer layer, then the next layer and so forth. It can take several sessions to get to the bottom of an issue. It can even be a life-long explorative journey! Sometimes, an issue does not yet want to be healed, or maybe cannot be healed for whatever reasons. We have to accept this as well. Forces are at work that we cannot fully understand with the power of our human mind.
A healer should have enough integrity to let you know once they’ve reached the end of their means. If you feel unsure about the efficacy of the healing, trust your intuition and feel free to inquire. Open communication from a heart space is important.
Can something go wrong with these sessions?
Healers are human beings as well and carry their own trauma. For instance, I once triggered a healer during a session, and she transferred her own fears onto me during the healing. I suffered from prolonged weeping attacks afterwards, shaken by cries. I always have a physical release after a session but that one time it simply wouldn’t stop. I had to see another healer to help release the energies and close the portals.
I don’t believe the healer who passed on her issues did this with a bad intention and I don’t think she even noticed. I have forgiven her. However, I had a weird feeling at the beginning of the session telling me something was not right. I should have followed my gut instincts and called the session off. However, I didn’t trust my instincts because I thought this healer was trained to be highly intuitive and I expected this healer to call the session off from her perspective in case something was not quite right. She didn’t, so I went ahead without voicing my doubts. In hindsight, I gave my power away to her. This taught me, yet again, to trust my own intuition which remains my best guidance, always!
What happens after a session?
After a session, I often feel tired. My body needs to process the energetic shifts and I need to nurture and support it. I go to bed early to give my body extra rest time. I usually get a physical or emotional release a few days later.
Often, I don’t understand all of the messages of the session right away. In such cases, I ask myself questions repeatedly and I tune into my intuitive guidance to gain a better understanding. Often, synchronistic events help with making the message clearer. I also get great insights on my walks. Sometimes, it takes a week to get to the bottom of a question, often much longer! I usually have a recording of the sessions and sometimes I listen back. More often, I refer back to the notes I took throughout the session, but I suppose this is personal preference.
Often, I cannot work on everything that came up in a session, so I choose the issue that seems to stand out most at that point of time. I have noticed the other topics often fall into place, sometimes years later!
For me, really big shifts or steps which have been announced can take two or three years to come to fruition in physical form. For example, the first spiritual coach I saw told me I’d one day have a blog and my own website. At the time, I could only laugh. “What would I even blog about?” I secretly wondered. Three and a half years later, I set up my blog. I actually smirked when I did this. Honestly, I had no clue at the time she first told me.
Good luck on your path to healing and exploring your inner depths! You are on a path to yourself and finding yourself can bring you the greatest healing of all.