You Are the Light
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I am the light that is you and that is me, running though our veins, running through the universe, connecting us all into space, into yourselves, into source and into who we are, who we’ve been, and what we are to become.
I am the divinity, the beauty, and the grace.
I am the magic, the wonder, and the miracles.
I am the thought, the will, the power, the joy, and the grace.
I am you and you are me.
We are together in this. We were never separated, and we will never be.
We are tapping together into this beautiful play of the universe. We are tapping into the power and the light together. This is where our future lies, in moving in together, in breathing in harmony with all living beings because we are all one.
We are the one. There is no separation between us and the flow of the universe. Beauty and love connect us all. This is where you want to go. This is where you are. This is the part of you that never left the higher realms. This is the part of you that wants to let you know and allow you to feel who you truly are.
On your inside is the beauty and the light. It has always been there. It never left you. Feel it shining within, hidden underneath the mud.
Feel that light. It is there. Always. It was never gone. This is the greatest of illusions that you lost your light, that it was taken from you, that you never deserved it. It could not be further from the truth. The divine light was always there. It always is. It will never leave you. It is here with you now and that is all you need to know.
Connect with this light. Ask it to reveal itself to you. Step back into that knowing of connection, of light, of beauty, and joy. Step back into the flow.
You know what you are capable of. You know who you truly are. Remember.