You Are Capable!
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You are so capable. You’ve got this.
You are light!
You are love!
There is nothing else you need to know. Remember your origins, remember your core, remember who you truly are.
Bring in the joy that is intrinsically you, that is your blueprint, your signature vibe.
Allow yourself to step into this light field of bliss. Gift yourself the love you have been waiting for. Allow yourself the joy you have been yearning to experience.
Let go.
Relax and breathe.
Surrender, and let your divinity take over.
Enjoy the ride! This is why you are here; this is what you came to experience: Life in its richest form, the pure bliss of being, the expression of your vibrancy!
Bring in the rainbow, speak from your heart, and open yourself up to your soul.
Skip and dance.
You can do this. You’ve got this.
We are supporting you, always and forever.