We Are All Connected
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Everything and everyone is connected.
You are me. I am you. We are one.
We are together in this. All of us. All of humanity. The entire planet. The forests, the flowers, the plants, the animals, the mountains, the oceans, the rivers, the earth, the rocks, the sky, the air, the planets and the stars around us.
Everything is connected and we are all part of the one-energy. You came here to remember this truth. You came here to feel how powerful it is to resonate with all that is and to acknowledge this bright love within you. Love in its truest form; love that does not demand; love that does not need proof; love that simply is.
At your core, you know.
You are all-encompassing love.
You are truth.
You are beauty.
You are radiant exquisite joy.
You are pure, deep compassion.
You are whole.
You are me. And I am you.
The time has come for us to remember.
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