It’s Time to Celebrate You!
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Today is a day to celebrate YOU. You are doing great. You have opened yourself to life, you keep growing, and you are stepping into self-empowerment, intentional purpose and fulfillment. This is not a feat which can be accomplished within a day. Be kind to yourself.
Be proud of what you have achieved already. Look at yourself. Look at where you’re at and where you were last year, five years ago, ten years ago. You have grown so much. You have transformed yourself! Sit with this and celebrate. Celebrate what you have achieved. Allow yourself to feel this joy washing over you, the joy of moving forwards, of learning, growing, stepping up, feeling more whole and connected. Look at yourself and marvel at your progress.
Do not judge or compare yourself, instead let go of any tension and allow yourself to relax and receive. Judgement creates further tension, whereas relaxation takes you into joy. Take a moment to let this sink in and be grateful for all you have become, and how you have expanded into your divine soul.
Be in awe about the wonders present in your life. Appreciate your own beauty. Feel the magic running through your veins. This is the ‘real’ you. Enjoy!