How To Move Forward When Feeling Lost
Connect with your higher wisdom
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Whenever you feel lost, know that you can ask for help.
Some might call this prayer, some might call this internal dialogue, some might call this journaling or meditating. Whatever name you give to this sacred process, please rest assured that help will be on its way.
Ask to be blessed with the grace of help so you can truly move forward and receive the offerings of this universe.
Ask for the grace of understanding, compassion, or higher love.
Ask for the grace of seeing the lesson that wants to be learned.
Ask for the grace of a shift in perspective.
Ask for the grace of being able to receive self-love, forgiveness, and guidance.
Trust in this process and stay open minded. Feel into your heart to see if a particular answer or offer resonates. Your heart will guide you forward, unfailingly. It is an inner compass helping you navigate the chaos in this world.
Don’t get fooled by feelings that represent limiting beliefs as they may misguide you but learn how to truly connect with the truth of your own heart. There is only love in there and this love is the language of your soul, guiding you through this life, assisting you in meeting your lessons with grace, and ultimately bringing you closer to your divine inner self.