Returning to Your Eternal Truth
image by Miri
We are with you. We are always here. We love you very much. We know you need to hear this from us again and again. And we are delighted to keep telling you, over and over, again and again. We do not tire of you. Ever.
We are happy you have taken this time out and opened the space to connect with us.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for being open minded.
Thank you for all you have done.
Thank you for all that you are.
Thank you for everything you want to be and strive to become because we know you are it already. We can see beyond the veils, we can see the new stories unfolding, we can see the light that is there to be tapped into.
We can feel and see it and it is very real for us.
We do understand that, sometimes, you get lost in this whirlwind of your world and you forget who you truly are and why you are here and what exactly you wanted to achieve. You get confused about what is supposed to be the good or the bad.
But hear us out when we say to you, and this is the truth, there is, at your core, the purest love, the purest joy, the purest bliss, and the purest light and this I who you truly are.
Never forget about this.
Look into your soul and find yourself again. Do not permit yourself to be distracted for too long. Come back again and again and refocus on this truth.
Can you feel it in your heart?
We are always with you.
Love is always with you.
You cannot fail.
You cannot be alone.
You cannot not succeed because you are love.
message channeled from source