Enjoy the unfolding of your soul
image by author
You are a reflection of your inner beauty
There is no need to push. There is no need to force anything. Never again. There is no need to put pressure on yourself.
There simply is the being, the stillness, the settling into your skin where you will find love and compassion, patiently waiting for you to be received.
Life is meant to be felt, to be experienced, to be tasted.
Everything is around you as there is within. You are a reflection of your inner beauty. Can you see?
Dive into yourself to bring in the highest inspiration for you to move forward, to create, to marvel at yourself, to love, laugh, and truly live. This is where the magic happens and where you will experience yourself, fulfilled, complete, and with compassion.
Listen to yourself, listen to your inner stories, listen to your silence, feel it all. And then smile, take it on, see it for what it is.
Enjoy the unfolding of your soul.