Be the Guidance in the Dark
Shine your light
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Be in peace.
Hold your peace.
Stay close to your core and feel how it anchors you into your heart, your life, your own highest path.
Hold the light for yourself and for the world to see. This is where your service sits.
Be a guiding light in these times of darkness.
Be a rock, your own rock.
Teach others through example. There is no need to rescue or engage in drama, there is only ever the need to stay true to yourself.
Embody yourself. Be yourself.
Allow your light to come in and shine.
Ask yourself about your true needs on this day. Listen with your heart. Nurture yourself.
Do not become lost in the neediness of the world for the world is best helped by being guided by the light. It is up to everyone to step onto their chosen path, so tend to your own.
Embody what you came here to be: your light. Nothing else.
Be your light. Feel your light. Shine your light.
Be the guidance in the dark by tapping into your own heart.
Thank you for being you.